Posted on 2023-03-14
Sami Abdel Raouf (Dubai)
Her Excellency Dr. Nevin Al-Kabbaj, Minister of Social Solidarity in the sisterly Arab Republic of Egypt, said: “The (Bambino Jizzo) hospital project, the first of its kind in the Middle East, is sponsored by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the State, may God protect him, and His Excellency President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi. , President of the Arab Republic of Egypt".
Her Excellency indicated, in exclusive statements to Al-Ittihad, on the sidelines of the opening of the Dubai International Conference for Relief and Development (DIHAD 2023), yesterday in Dubai, that the project enjoys a partnership from the Vatican and sponsorship from Pope Francis, the Pope of the Catholic Church, noting the role of Lieutenant General His Highness Sheikh Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Interior.
She said: «The UAE is distinguished by supporting goodness and humanity, by providing everything that would support large development projects, as the Emirates have a special appreciation and great love in the hearts of Egyptians, since the days of the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, founder of the Emirates». She stated that the Human Fraternity Foundation aspires to enhance care and care for early childhood in Egypt, and this is a trend pursued and adopted by the Arab Republic of Egypt due to its interest in investing in people and the health of the mother and child by discovering any inherent, early or chronic diseases, which may affect the quality of life of the child, and cause the child a problem. health or disability. She stated that the Ministry of Social Solidarity in Egypt is working in partnership with the Human Fraternity Foundation on the “Bambino Ghezo” hospital project, which specializes in detecting and treating hereditary and genetic diseases, and it is the first of its kind in the Middle East, and the only similar hospital is in Italy, and children may be sent from the region. to receive treatment there.
Al-Qabbaj stated that His Excellency President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt, ordered the allocation of the necessary land for the construction of this project in the new administrative capital, and directed that all necessary support be provided for the project, provided that the hospital will be completed within two to 3 years, and a pilot phase will be made for the medical and nursing staff of the hospital. And this will be in the “Bambino Ceso” hospital of the Vatican, Italy.
Her Excellency pointed out that the Arab Republic of Egypt attaches great importance to childhood and the provision of health care for them, as it is one of the human rights from birth. Therefore, the private authorities in Egypt are working on early detection of any health problems immediately, and taking the necessary measures to avoid any health damage.
The “Bambino Ceso” Hospital is a medical edifice characterized by providing a high level of quality, in accordance with international health standards, thanks to its close and continuous association with the “Bambino Ceso” Hospital of the Vatican, which is one of the most important hospitals specialized in the field of children’s health, rare diseases, organ transplantation and scientific research.
Vatican support
To support the project, a cooperation agreement was signed with the “Bambino Geseau” Children’s Hospital in Rome, the Italian “Bambino Geseau” Association in Cairo and the Egyptian Human Fraternity Foundation. And Sandro Cristaldi, Head of External Relations, Communication and Marketing, Monsignor Dr. Yoannis Lahzi Jaid, former Personal Secretary to Pope Francis, President of the Human Fraternity Foundation, and other doctors and engineers to study and prepare the executive project for the new hospital in Cairo.
The agreement, which was announced earlier, stipulates the provision of specialized training in the field of pediatrics and neonatology to the Egyptian medical staff who will work in the “Bambino Ghezo” hospital for maternity and childhood in Cairo, and hosting the Rome Hospital for children with complex diseases that cannot be treated in Egypt, in addition to To provide training and rehabilitation remotely through the (Medtraining) platform for Egyptian cadres working in Cairo.
Remote consultations are also provided in complex cases, via an electronic channel (Telemedicine link) between Rome Hospital and Cairo, and “Bambino Jizzo” specialists are sent to Egypt to train health workers in Cairo and treat and perform operations for complex cases that can be treated in Egypt without the need to receive them in Rome.
The agreement highlights that the aim of the training will be to transfer knowledge or skills about specialized treatment and diagnostic methods, and the agreement confirms that the new hospital was designed to be a distinguished edifice that offers the same level, and applies the same standards used in the mother hospital, such as: patient centralization, and humanization in Treatment and treatment.
hospital components
It also applies the standards of adherence to the highest efficiency of the medical, nursing and administrative staff, the use of the latest devices, medicines and treatment methods, and the provision of free treatment to those who have no means. The total area of the land of the “Bambino Jizou Maternity and Childhood Hospital” is 10,000 square meters, of which only 40% will be used for buildings, while 60% will be used for green spaces and other services. The area of the hospital building is 4,000 square meters, and the building will consist of seven floors: an underground floor, a basement, a ground floor, and 4 floors, bringing the total building area to 28,000 square meters.
Noble goals
The project aims to provide a hospital for children with a high degree of distinction on Egyptian soil, in which specialized professional figures work, and they are continuously trained and rehabilitated at the “Bambino Gieso” Children’s Hospital in Rome, which will ensure the necessary advisory, scientific and training support for the medical and nursing staff in Italy.
It also aims to provide free medical and health care for children suffering from difficult economic conditions, and to receive and accompany pregnant women before and during pregnancy until delivery and after leaving the hospital.
The project seeks to establish a global medical institution on Egyptian soil, where maternal and neonatal mortality rates are still high, in addition to serving all children in the Arab region, the African continent, and the Middle East.
The hospital, after its completion, is a model medical institution specialized in receiving and providing medical treatment for children suffering from various diseases, as well as infectious diseases, and for pregnant women throughout the pregnancy period until delivery and leaving the hospital, ensuring care with sufficient spaces, advanced technologies, continuous attention to the quality of services provided, and professionalism. For medical people, making sure of the treatments provided.
The project leads to the strengthening of the health services network on the Egyptian soil, as a hospital that enjoys the latest international and technological technologies. Thanks to its association with the “Bambino Jezou” Hospital in Rome, which is one of the most famous hospitals specialized in the field of children in the world, and it cooperates with the most important health institutions in the region and the world to ensure the success and continuity of the project, and to benefit from successful experiences by transferring and developing them continuously.
Among the hospital's roles is supporting scientific research and benefiting from successful Egyptian experiences abroad to make the hospital a scientific reference in the field of pediatrics.
Yoannis Lahzi: An integrated project with modern scientific standards
Monsignor Dr. Yoannis Lahdi Jaid, former personal secretary to Pope Francis and head of the Human Fraternity Foundation, told Al-Ittihad: “The (Bambino Jezou Maternity and Childhood Hospital) initiative was born out of the desire to provide basic medical care for every child, and specialized medical care for all who need it. And also providing accompaniment and care for pregnant mothers in Egypt, which is characterized by a large population increase, especially since the neonatal and maternal mortality rate is still high.
These deaths, according to a UNICEF study in 2017, are linked to a series of treatable causes, as they result from the presence of various diseases (pneumonia, diarrhea, anemia), with a lack of health services and a lack of specialized care for mothers before childbirth or during childbirth. .
He stressed that the “Bambino Ceso” hospital project in Cairo is the result of the hard work of a team of doctors from the Italian “Bambino Ceso” hospital, and Italian and Egyptian engineers, to present an integrated project that takes into account all modern scientific standards, whether in designs, in medical devices, or in preparing the medical and nursing staff. And administrative, taking into account the provision of all health and social services to all those in need, and assistance to poor families in Egypt, the Middle East, Africa and the Arab world.
Regarding the general objectives of the “Bambino Jizo Maternity and Childhood Hospital,” Lahzi stated that it is represented in accompanying mothers in the three stages of pregnancy, namely: before conception, during pregnancy and during childbirth - until the mother and her child leave the hospital and beyond.
Preventive measures
In the pre-conception stage, primary prevention measures will be adopted on the basis of promoting the health of the parents with the aim of reducing the risk of deformities in the newborn, depending on the family medical history of the parents, visits will be made to the geneticist, and a dose is given to the mother before and during pregnancy in order to take daily folic acid To significantly reduce the risk of congenital diseases of the newborn. During pregnancy, genetic diagnosis, including non-invasive screening tests, will be performed as part of pre-pregnancy diagnosis. Before birth, genetic diagnosis, including non-invasive screening tests (NIPT) will be performed between BI-TEST, the most recent test for In newborns, to determine the possibility that the fetus will be affected by autosomal trisomy (Down syndrome), in order to reduce the need for surgical diagnostic tests. to surgical diagnostic tests. From the time of birth and beyond, early treatment courses for newborns with congenital diseases will be used very carefully. The staff of the “Bambino Jezou Maternity and Childhood Hospital” will remain present throughout the postpartum stage and after leaving the hospital.
الأم والطفل
يُعد حضور الأم مع طفلها مهمٌ في جميع الأعمار، وهو ضروري للأطفال الخُدَّج الذين فقدوا حماية الرحم وراحته في وقت مبكر جداً، ولضمان قرب الأم لطفلها على مدار أربع وعشرين ساعة في اليوم، يوفر مستشفى «البامبينو چيزو للأمومة والطفولة» غرفاً فردية مجهزة بوسائل الراحة المختلفة، حيث تقيم الأم وطفلها معها. لهذا الحَل فوائد مهمة للطفل، حتى المولود قبل الأوان، إذ يتعافى بسرعة أكبر وسيبقى في المستشفى لفترة أقصر.
وسيكون استقبال عائلات الأطفال المرضى أيضاً جزءاً لا يتجزأ من العلاج بمستشفى «البامبينو چيزو للأمومة والطفولة». وبما أن الطفل عندما يدخل إلى المستشفى فهو غالباً ما يشعر بالخوف والغُربة، فإن حضور الوالدَين في هذه الحالة الصعبة هو عامل أمان للطفل. يُخفف قرب الأم أو الأبُ من الشعور بعدم الثقة والخوف لدى الطفل، ويساعده على التواصل والتفاعل مع المهنيين الصحيين الذين يعملون في المستشفى.
وعلى وجه الخصوص، سيتم توفير خدمة حديثي الولادة - الحضانة، وستقع الحضّانة في الطابق الثالث في محيط قسم الولادة، وهي جزء متصل بقسم الولادة.
وتستقبل الحضّانة الرضع الفسيولوجيين (عمر الحمل 34 أسبوعاً)، مع مساحة لحضّانات، ومساحة لزيارات حديثي الولادة، ومساحة للأَسِرَّة المتحركة. خلال إقامة الأمهات وحديثي الولادة في الحضّانة، تتوافر جميع التدابير التنظيمية والهيكلية والثقافية لتشجيع الإرضاع من الثدي وتعزيز الرضاعة الطبيعية، وفقاً لأحدث الأدلة والمبادئ التوجيهية العلمية في مجال حديثي الولادة (وَفْقاً لِمنظمة الصحة العالمية).
فضلًا على ذلك، فإن العَلاقة المباشرة بموظفي الرعاية الصحية ستسمح للأمهات والعائلات بالتعبير عن احتياجاتهن وشكواهن، وإيجاد الأجوبة الأكثر ملاءمة لاحتياجاتهن في بيئة المستشفى، وستكون هناك أيضاً عيادة التوليد وكوادر التمريض جاهزة لكل المضاعفات المحتملة.
الرعاية الطبية
يوفر مستشفى «البامبينو چيزو للأمومة والطفولة» جميع أنواع الرعاية الطبية التشخيصية والأدوات التي يحتاجون إليها والإسعافات الأوليّة، وأفضل مختبرات التحليل، وكذلك تقديم الزيارات التشخيصية والعلاجية بالعيادات الخارجية في هذه التخصصات: أمراض الرئة، جراحة العظام، أمراض القلب، أمراض الجهاز الهضمي، طب الأنف والأذن والحنجرة، طب العيون، طب الأسنان، الأمراض الجلدية، الحساسية، علاج النطق، السموم، علم الآفات الرضية.
وتوفير أفضل وأحدث أجهزة الفحوص «الأشعة، الموجات فوق الصوتية، الأشعة المقطعية وغيرها».
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