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Speech of the President of the Human Fraternity Foundation, Monsignor Yoannis Gaid at the opening ceremony

Speech of the President of the Human Fraternity Foundation, Monsignor Yoannis Gaid at the opening ceremony

Posted on 2022-10-04

Maulana Jalal Eldin ElRumi says: “When the journey begins, the path will appear.”

Your Excellencies and Eminence,

Ladies and gentlemen,

May God bless your time with happiness,

We all meet on the necessity of doing good to please God the Creator.... There is no heavenly religion that does not urge its followers to translate faith in God into righteousness, piety, and mercy towards His creatures.


Believing that we reach humanity for all, that brotherhood is our way, and that humanity is our goal to solve many of the tragedies and troubles that humanity suffers from, with love, we open today, on the land of Kenana, the Human Fraternity Foundation for Services, to work through it to serve all the needy, and we call to work with us all Whoever believes that faith in the Holy God, His Majesty, is embodied in love for the other, and in serving every human being, no matter how different we are in color, shape, language, religion or race.

We are all brothers. We come to this life without anything. We live on this earth as transients and travelers, and we return to our Creator loaded with the good that we lived on this earth and among humans.

It was said in the past:


"People are nothing but brothers and sons of brothers...and he has an ancient lineage in brotherhood."


With this firm belief, we started working on the study, follow-up and, implementation of three projects in dear Egypt: an orphanage, a hospital for children and maternity, and a school for people of determination.


I am pleased to announce that today we are going to sign the foundation stone of this hospital. All personalities who contributed and contribute to the implementation of this great dream participate in the signing.


Three major projects on the land of Kenana to provide goodness to the land of goodness and its benevolent children. Three projects are based on the belief that the darkness of the world cannot hide the light of a small candle, and that our humanity needs tangible actions and people who roll up their sleeves to quench the thirsty, treat the sick, care for the elderly, console the grieving, and take the hand of people of determination.

The writer Leo Tolstoy says: "If you feel pain, you are alive... But if you feel the pain of others, you are human"...!

Honorable attendees...

This day is an Egyptian day par excellence. It is our day in this good country, in which we unite, each according to his capabilities and status, to walk the path of brotherhood.


Let us act with courage according to the vision of His Excellency President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi, the founder of the new republic: the republic of hope and work, the republic of fraternity and equality, the republic of will and determination, the republic of citizenship, where everyone has a place, especially the weak, the poor, and the people of determination.


Let us follow the example of our brothers in humanity from everywhere who donated generously and generously to help us implement the orphanage project and lovingly chose to implement charitable projects in Egypt to serve the needy here, setting an example that only brotherhood transcends borders, and transcends political, social and historical difficulties. The measure of humanity, in fact, lies in its living not only with those who are united with us in race, homeland or religion but also with our brothers who are different from us.


Greetings and appreciation to the land of Kenana, its leadership, and its people. Greetings and appreciation to all those who contributed to seeing our work light, and supported with money, effort, and time the idea of ​​our humanitarian projects.




Ladies and Gentelmen,


Allow me now to extend my sincere thanks to His Excellency President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt, for giving him the plot of land on which the hospital will be built, and for sharing this celebration with us through the representatives of the presidency.


Many thanks to His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed, President of the United Arab Emirates and Ruler of Abu Dhabi, for his generous donation to assist the Foundation in its charitable projects.


Many thanks to His Highness Sheikh Saif bin Zayed, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior and member of the Supreme National Security Council in the United Arab Emirates, for his kind support of the Foundation and for sending His Excellency Ambassador Abdul Salam Al Madani and Mr. Hamad Bu Khater to attend this celebration.


Many thanks to His Holiness Pope Tawadros II, who sent a representative on his behalf, His Grace Anba Clement, General Bishop of Almaza, City of Hope and East Nasr City.


Many thanks to His Beatitude Patriarch Anba Ibrahim Ishaq, Patriarch of Alexandria and the rest of the Coptic Catholic Church of St. Mark, and President of the Council of Catholic Patriarchs and Bishops in Egypt.


Many thanks to His Excellency Ambassador Michele Quaroni, Ambassador of Italy in Egypt, and all members of the Embassy, ​​for hosting this event, and for their continued support of the Foundation's projects, and through them, we thank the sisterly State of Italy and its generous people.


Many thanks to Her Excellency Dr. Nevin Al-Kabbaj, Minister of Social Solidarity, for honoring us with her presence and for her wonderful speech.


Many thanks to His Excellency Eng. Tarek El Molla, Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, for your kindness to attend and for his wonderful speech.


Sincere thanks also to the esteemed and beloved brother, His Eminence Sheikh Osama Al-Azhari, one of the scholars of the sheikhdom of Al-Azhar Al-Sharif and advisor to the President of the Republic for religious affairs and a member of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation for Human Fraternity.


Many thanks to His Excellency Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Minister of Health and Population, who, being outside the country, sent on his behalf His Excellency Dr. Mohamed El-Tayeb, Assistant Minister of Health for Governance and Technical Affairs.


Many thanks to His Excellency Minister Yehia Rashid, the former Minister of Tourism, for your attendance and to His Excellency Ambassador Hatem Seif Al-Nasr, the former Egyptian ambassador to the Vatican.


Many thanks to Dr. Rasha Ragheb, Executive Director of the National Youth Training Academy.


Many thanks to Her Excellency Minister Manal Awad, Governor of Damietta.


Many thanks to Dr. Ismail Abdel Ghaffar, President of the Naval Academy.


Many thanks to His Excellency Minister Eng. Khaled Abbas, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the New Administrative Capital.


Many thanks to the representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Interior, and all Egyptian ministries participating in this celebration.


Many thanks to our friends from the sisterly United Arab Emirates, especially Ambassador Dr. Abdul Salam Al Madani, President of DIHAD Foundation for Sustainable Humanitarian Work, President of INDEX, ICHS and Waterfalls, a philanthropist and philanthropist.


I thank from the bottom of my heart Eng. George Said Khreich, Chairman of ConsultanHSS Board of Directors and Mr. Paul Khreich, and all the staff for their tremendous effort in record time.


I especially thank Dr. Sultan Al Rumaithi, the Foundation's advisor for media affairs, and Mr. Youssef Rafayah and all the media professionals present with us.


Many thanks to the host of the concert, the artist, Bushra, for her presence, support and wonderful way of presenting the concert.


I also thank the soprano Amira Selim for her presentation (The Isis chant that Egyptians love) and I also thank the musician Nicholas for being with us.


Thanks are due to the members of the Human Fraternity Foundation for organizing this evening and for their generous participation in the implementation of the Foundation's projects.


In the end, I thank everyone who attended for accepting our invitation and for the donations that will allow us to open soon with God's help the Bambino Gesu Hospital to provide treatment to our sick children, Contribute with us because with a few we can change!


And because we reach out to all with humanity, I take this occasion to congratulate the people of Egypt on the anniversary of the Prophet’s birthday and the glorious victory of October, and have a good night with all the best, blessings, and blessed holidays to all!


Monsignor Yoannis Lahzi Gaid

The Chairman of the Foundation


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