The disabled are those who have a mental or physical condition that limits their movements, senses, or activities, such as difficulties moving, speaking, hearing, or seeing. These limitations make it impossible for a person to satisfy his or her own requirements without the assistance of others.
The Human Fraternity School aims to provide all services free of charge for each category according to its needs.
The Italian Cottolengo Foundation
An agreement was made with the Italian Cotolengo Foundation to benefit from its long-standing and globally recognized experience, and a cooperation protocol was signed between the Foundation and the Ministry of Social Solidarity, including the following areas:
1- Qualifying and preparing the staff who will work in the school.
2- Benefit from the educational and rehabilitation curricula offered by the Cottolengo Foundation for different cases and ages.
3- Establishing continuous channels of communication to benefit from the expertise of the Cottolengo Foundation, especially in the evaluation and treatment of special cases
4- Supervising the construction of the Human Fraternity School to ensure that the latest international standards are followed, whether in the construction field or in modern furniture and appliances.
5- Providing treatment for cases that need treatment abroad.
Human Fraternity School goals
The Human Fraternity School aims to provide all rehabilitation and support programs for the disabled, to provide them with the maximum potential, and to help them become self-reliant through a comprehensive development approach, high-quality services, training methods, extracurricular activities, and various programs. Also, a well-equipped gym, a large multi-use hall, a swimming pool, and a covered outdoor play area.
The school will be built to provide care for the disabled and prepare them for the future through a comprehensive curriculum and programs developed by a multidisciplinary team. The school will include a Nursery Department, Academic Department, Vocational Preparation Department, and Sensory Integration Department, as well as educational facilities, a swimming pool, an equipped gymnasium, occupational arts and crafts facilities and clinical therapy.
The school aims also to provide vocational rehabilitation for the disabled who are able to join the labor market and help them live with dignity and independence.
Services that the Human Fraternity School will provide:
1- Tawasul Center for Rehabilitation, Speech and Hearing
The center will provide diagnostic and rehabilitation services for all speech and language disorders, as well as verbal and auditory rehabilitation for children and adults. Providing programs specifically designed to meet their linguistic, audiological, and behavioural needs. The center will include a cadre of consultants and a qualified team of male and female specialists who have practiced the profession of speech and language therapy and have extensive experience in the field of various rehabilitation providing services for all age groups.
2- Rehabilitation center for people with special needs
To develop their life and career skills, qualify them to join the labor market efficiently and competently, and help them rely on themselves personally and professionally. The center will adopt curricula and foundations that support students to integrate and engage to highlight their skills, increase their self-confidence, and prepare them for the labor market. In addition to the distinguished academic curriculum and professional training programs that include all daily tasks, the center will provide a range of sports and recreational activities to provide an integrated environment for students.
3- Duan Young Center for Autism
The Duan Young Autism Center will provide all the distinguished services that help assess children with autism or other verbal, functional and behavioral problems. The center will provide comprehensive treatment plans to overcome the daily challenges faced by children with special needs. Behavior analysis. The center will be distinguished by its modern educational facilities that provide the utmost comfort and care for children.
The center will employ the best-trained professionals who provide accredited programs to develop and support individuals with autism and their families. The center is dedicated to providing comprehensive education and therapeutic interventions for people with autism to help them optimally integrate into society.
4- Providing a continuous evaluation program:
It aims to monitor and evaluate the progress made by disabled children before and after joining the school. It provides individual diagnoses for students with disabilities and learning difficulties, recommendations, and assistance to parents in dealing with the child's condition, and directing them to the sources that provide them with appropriate support services for their child's condition.
5- Services and facilities provided by the school for people of determination
Creating the appropriate school environment for them, such as providing ramps and elevators for the physically disabled category, toilets for persons with disabilities, and providing private buses, cars and parking lots for them.
Preparing the classroom environment for all categories of disabilities with the provision of appropriate tools and techniques by preparing special education classes, special education resource rooms, sensory and comprehensive rooms developed according to the best available means.
6- Training of the human cadre
Providing specialized human cadres to provide all services to students within the school environment by qualified people such as (special education teachers - teacher assistants - escorts - sign language interpreters - Braille education specialists - visual impairment / visual impairment specialists - psychologists - speech and language specialists - special education specialists).
7- Providing the latest equipment in various fields:
A - Visual impairment:
• Desktop magnifier for reading and writing
• Braille Note
• Bell ball
Perkins classic and regular machine
• Sensory bag to develop the sensory skills of the blind
B- Autism and Intellectual Disabilities Category
• Talking Photo Album
• Devices specialized in communication and developing language skills
• Comprehensive speaking and visual Arabic language skills bag
C - Hearing impairment
• FM system-
• Supporting devices
8- Other services
• Evaluation and diagnosis of students of determination by a multidisciplinary team.
• Support services and individual and group treatment and rehabilitation sessions for students of determination, each according to his needs, such as (speech and language sessions - Braille education sessions - behavior modification sessions - sign language sessions).
• Counselling, awareness, and guidance sessions for parents of students of determination.
• Providing devices and assistive technologies for students of determination according to the categories of disability on an annual basis.
• Providing workshops and courses for human cadres working with students of determination from the school administration, teacher guides, specialists, and parents.
• Supporting students of determination by participating in all social and cultural activities such as local and international competitions, and programs in arrangement and agreement with the competent government agencies.
• Providing smart educational tools that help students of determination participate in all educational stages (special education class - resource room and sensory and comprehensive rooms).
School grounds
Human Fraternity School will be built in the New Administrative Capital on a total area of 14,000 square meters, 30% of this area will be built and the rest will be allocated to green spaces, playgrounds, and places for sports, recreational, and rehabilitation activities.
The new administrative capital was chosen because civilized progress is measured by respect for the rights of the weak and the excluded, and to benefit from the national vision of the new republic based on social justice. As well as the clear attention given by His Excellency President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi in recent years to people of determination, which began to be translated into positions, laws and regulations that preserve their rights and help them live their differences in a society that respects and appreciates everyone.
“ SIT FOLLOWS THE PROGRESS OF THE WORK IN REAL TIME.”The school will be built to provide care for the disabled and prepare them for the future through a comprehensive curriculum and programs developed by a multidisciplinary team. The school will include a Nursery Department, Academic Department, Vocational Preparation Department, and Sensory Integration Department, as well as educational facilities, a swimming pool, an equipped gymnasium, occupational arts and crafts facilities and clinical therapy. The school aims also to provide vocational rehabilitation for the disabled who are able to join the labor market and help them live with dignity and independence. Human Fraternity School will be built in the New Administrative Capital on a total area of 14,000 square meters, 30% of this area will be built and the rest will be allocated to green spaces, playgrounds, and places for sports, recreational, and rehabilitation activities.

We re planning to build a school which will serve children with special needs, We will accept students with diverse disabilities to empower and for the labor market to ensure their inclusion and equality in society for recognition.
The Human Fraternity School for Disabled The Human Fraternity School aims to provide all rehabilitation and support programs for disabled, and to provide the maximum potential for disabled and help them to become self-reliant through a comprehensive development approach, high quality services, all training methods, extracurricular activities and various programs. Also, a well-equipped gym, a large multi-use hall, a swimming pool and a covered outdoor play area.
The school of the Pietà was visited by
ستوفر مدرسة الأخوة الإنسانية التأهيل الأمثل للكوادر البشرية العاملة بها لتقديم كافة الخدمات للطلبة داخل البيئة المدرسية بأفضل الطرق الممكنة مثل (معلم التربية الخاصة- مساعد معلم -مرافق - مفسر لغة إشارة -اختصاصي تعليم برايل – اختصاصي إعاقة بصرية /ضعف بصر – اختصاصي نفسي -اختصاصي النطق واللغة – اختصاصي التربية الخاصة). وتقديم جلسات استشارية وتوعية وإرشاد لأولياء أمور الطلبة أصحاب الهمم. وتوفير الأجهزة والتقنيات المساعدة للطلبة أصحاب الهمم حسب فئات الإعاقة.